Learn how to decorate your graduation cap. Customizing your graduation cap is a way to stand out among the sea of identical, ill-fitting graduation robes.
You Will Need
* Time
* A crafts store
* Money
* A needle and thread
* And artistic flair
* Battery-operated lights
Step 1. Figure out your motivation
Think about the statement you want your cap to make. Is your motivation purely aesthetic? Do you want to share a joke with your classmates or send a shout-out to someone in the crowd? Or maybe you have a philanthropic angle, like raising awareness for a cause?
Don't play a mean-spirited joke or stir up controversy.
Step 2. Don't go crazy with the glue gun
If your school requires you to return your cap, keep in mind that any changes will need to be reversible. In other words, don't go crazy with the glue gun.
Step 3. Comb a crafts store
Comb your local crafts store for ideas. Small accessories can be attached temporarily with a single sewing stitch.
Step 4. Look around your house
Look around your own house for materials and inspiration.
Step 5. Light it up
Add battery-operated lights to really stand out.
Keep your decorations flat so your cap doesn't block anyone's view.
Step 6. Consider edible trimmings
Consider edible trimmings that you can share with your classmates during dull moments.
Step 7. Don't go overboard
Don't go overboard. A little decoration goes a long way.
FACT: The style of the graduation cap and gown originates from the everyday clothes of men in the Middle Ages.
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