How To: Create a quick & easy fleece blanket

Create a quick & easy fleece blanket

In order to create a fleece blanket, you will need 2 layers of fabric, for a no-sew version. Cut them evenly. Cut the 2 pieces of fabric to equal size. Cut away a 4" square from each of the corners. Then, cut 1" strips around the edges. Then, tie each pair of strips in a knot. Another method involves using an Edge Perfect blade into a rotary cutter. Run the cutter along the edge, approximately 1/2" away from the edge. This will perforate it. Then, you can use your favorite stitch to sew together your blanket. You can also use a decorative blade to make your blanket more attractive.

Create a quick & easy fleece blanket

Create a quick & easy fleece blanket Click through to watch this video on

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